Put people in your landscapes


Put people in your landscapes Too often photographers go to great lengths to ensure there are no people in their photographs. This is often something difficult to do especially when on holidays and in touristy places.

Why not get the people to work with the landscape? How can adding a person or two improve a photograph? One of the most helpful things a human figure can do in a photograph is create a sense of scale

I was trudging along the shoreline in Antarctica, scattered with beached pieces of ice berg left by the waves and tides when I came upon this lovely scene. It was missing something, and I was alone, so I decided this was a good job for the 10 second timer on my camera. I stuffed my tripod into the snow, ran into the landscape as far as I could, and did my best to “look into the scene” in time for the shutter to release. Running back and forth was actually pretty good exercise, and pretty fun! I encourage you to try this environmental self portrait in your next sunset or interesting landscape shot, I’d love to see them if you do!

Technical facts: It’s important to note, on my particular lens (Canon 16-35 f2.8 L) and many other lenses, that when I stop down to f/16 I get a beautiful star shape out of bright objects like the sun. The number of aperture blades employed in the lens determines how many points you see in the star, even more reason to go with the “sunny f/16 “ rule!

Share if you like!

This is a blog post originally posted on http://www.kylefoto.com, if you like this be sure to check out the Antarctic Worlds Gallery here!

Porcelain Adélie


One sunny antarctic day was standing on a rock at the entrance to a penguin colony in Antarctica, watching them zip around underwater with joy. One of the coolest things is that they tend to jet out of the water onto land, but I don't think they look before they leap. Every so often one would fly out onto my rock only to be extremely surprised to see me standing there, immediately and frantically trying to back-flap their way into the water. This Adélie was particularly entertaining!

Luminous ice


This beautiful iceberg was grounded by the low tides in Antarctica outside Cuverville island. The water being so crystal clear and free of sediment that light travels down without reflecting much back making it appear black. In addition the bright overcast conditions and high reflectivity of the snow and ice forces me to let in less light in the camera, darkening the water down even more. It's this contrast that gives the image a sense of drama.

Lately I have been very active on Google+ and have found the community to be very engaging, for that reason I have been premiering a lot of my content on my page here first. So I feel compelled to post some extra info derived from conversations on this article as well.

Thomas Russ Arnestad asks: "I'm curious about one thing though, there are some grey/black spots/shaded in the blue ice; is this a result of pollution?"

I was very careful to keep those spots in there, as they aren't artificial (nor are they dust spots on the sensor). I'm delighted you noticed them because they tell a fantastic story about the formation of these icebergs. I think it's safe to say these icebergs are pretty much geological in origin, as all icebergs start off as glacial ice formed by the compaction of snow on the mountain slope. This ice slowly flows down the mountain, and in doing so it grinds away at the rock, creating gravel and silt and carving U shaped valleys in the mountain side. When some of these pieces of ice finally make it into the ocean, they may have picked up lots of debris and rocks, some can be extremely dirty, huge boulders can even be found in icebergs. You can even go diving in the antarctic and find large "erratics" deposited by rock carrying icebergs.

The older the ice, the more likely it is to be at the bottom of a glacier where there is an extreme amount of pressure, this pushes out air bubbles and causes the ice to become more translucent, and this in turn can make the ice bluer, hence the wonderful colours in this ice and the high amounts debris trapped inside.

Technical photo details: This was shot hand held while driving a zodiac (like the image atop) , then tonemapped in HDR software Photomatix. Later printed on metallic paper the colours really shine and shift, much like the ice does in real life! Approximate location here.

Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari Sept 2012


Kyle Marquardt in collaboration with Civilized Adventures would like to invite you to join

“Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari”

Sept. 7 - 23, 2012

My photographic safaris are filling up, thus we have an additional safari on for 2012!

Wake up early with the golden african sunrise to capture wildlife at it's best at the Masai Mara game reserve during the great wildebeest and zebra migrations. Journey down to the world famous Ngorongoro crater, a refuge for 30,000+ animals amidst a stunning backdrop, all while receiving personal photographic tutorials on how to get the best out of all of this from me!

Book at Civilized Adventures Download full itinerary Check out my Africa gallery

Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari Jan 2012


Kyle Marquardt in collaboration with Civilized Adventures would like to invite you to join

Update: Dates changed “Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari”

Jan  19 - Feb 5th, 2012

Last year's photographic safari was a huge success. Africa presented us with some incredible photo opportunities and we were there to take them. And so we are going to do it again, please join me in world famous parks and reserves as we venture on twice daily game drives amongst the african wild. As always I'm there to inspire you and make sure you get the best out of your camera. For more information check out the links, itinerary and galleries below!

Book at Civilized Adventures Download full itinerary Check out my Africa gallery

Update: We're always striving to improve our trips and scouting the best locations, thus we have made some improvements on the itinerary, check out the addition of Ol Tukai Lodge here.

Kyle Marquardt highlighted in Business Insider as one of the "Top 104 Amazing Photographers" on Google+


- I'm absolutely flattered to be listed as one of the "Top 104 Aamzing Photographers" on google+ check out the original article here! I have been finding google plus to be a very engaging community, and have been premiering a lot of my updated there first. If you are into photography I highly recommend getting an account, should you need an invite please let me know.

   Business Insider 

  +Kyle Marquardt on Google Plus

Antarctic underwater iceberg


Sometimes a little forethought turns a concept into reality, a brief making of this photo: Ever since I first found out I was really going to Antarctica, I’ve had this shot in mind. I didn’t know for sure that I would be presented the chance to do this but because the concept existed in my imaginary portfolio it was ever-present in my mind.


To prepare for this I made a small investment in an ewa-marine underwater housing, It’s essentially a waterproof bag that will fit anything roughly shaped like an SLR camera.

How it looks  Canon 10-22mm lens at 14mm (equivalent 22mm) ISO 200 shutter priority 1/125 of a second 

Months later I was driving a zodiac boat outside the Lemaire channel in Antarctica, when this somewhat small piece of ice was floating by me. My imaginary photo flashed before me as I positioned the zodiac just right for the shot. I leaned over the side of the zodiac dipping my camera and lens half into the water. The camera is on shutter priority mode, so I don’t have to worry about managing any settings on my “camera-in-a-bag” in the -1°C water. This being on an ultra wide-angle lens I zoomed out to 14mm (full frame equivalent 22mm) which allowed me to capture a wide enough angle to encompass both the immediate foreground and the background. The underwater part of the image loses a lot of light compared to the above water portion, I had to significantly brighten the water with the original raw image. I expected to get this shot after nearly a hundred tries, but as luck had it this was about the 7th shot I took. Needless to say after I retrieved my camera and rinsed the salt water off the housing I was delighted with the results, and I hope you are too!

The Better Picture: Secretary bird


The better Picture: Photographers take terrible photos too, they are not meant to be seen but are integral in getting a better picture. You have been out on Safari all day, taking hundreds of photos.  Earlier in the morning you happened to have gotten a photo of a secretary bird and now you have been presented with your umpteenth viewing of this very bird; this is an important moment. Now you could put your camera down or instead you could set up your camera in preparation for the decisive moment that might become your ultimate secretary bird photo and perhaps even your best photo of the entire safari.

You may have thought “I already have a plethora of secretary bird photos, do I really need to try again”? Perhaps you are at the point of believing that your previous secretary bird shots are fantastic but this is where you have to step back just a little and try and get past the cognitive bias that all your own photographs are inherently great. Take the Dunning Kruger effect, which theorizes our innate belief in the accuracy of our perspective.  Here is how it works in terms of photography, the first time we take a photo we believe it to be perfect however if we were to give it another try and perhaps even take a moment to place it under scrutiny; this here could transform our photo from a regular vacation shot to a work of art.  Therefore I would like you to always ask yourself this “how could I improve this shot?”

The thought process I described above is classic example and is exactly what happened with the secretary birds. Some people were excited by my first shot of the birds and by all means, technically speaking you could say that I executed the image correctly; I gave the bird room to look into the frame, used a wide open aperture with only the bird in focus and no background distractions were in site.   Due to the wide open aperture my background was softened and there was no accidental motion blur.  Yay!.... Oh Wait, then why is it so blah? The bird is just standing there, nothing else  is going on in the scene, that’s why!

Many photos later I was presented with the same view of a secretary bird, strolling through the grass, looking for her prey and in a split moment she decided to take off. With my camera already trained on her, I was able to track her movement and get the right action shot.

Now we’re talking, the subject is still given room to look into the frame, but now we have action and a dramatic sense of motion, not to mention the gazelles in the background to further express that this is Africa.  Now the photo functions as a more environmental portrait expressing that these animals share the same space. This is a much better photo.

I take a lot of terrible photos initially because I’m not sure if anything better will come along. I take terrible photos like these all the time, but the reason you don’t see them is because I only show my best work. I still want you to take the bad photos but I want you to realize it’s bad right when you shoot it, and expect to take a better one later when presented with the same opportunity. Hopefully the second time around, something magical happens and you are prepared to take the shot because you have a better understanding of what you’re looking for.

These photos were taken in the Masai Mara in Kenya while hosting a photographic Safari, if you like this check out the Africa gallery!

Kenya & Tanzania Safari Workshop 2011 gallery!


New Gallery "Africa"

I had the incredible pleasure of hosting a Photographic Safari in Kenya and Tanzania this year surrounded by wide eyed enthusiastic photographers and adventurers.

A full day in Africa is so jam packed with incredible sightings, engaging wildlife, stunning sights sounds and smells that at the end of the day you sit back in reflection like you've just experienced a week.

I look forward to sharing some exciting stories and more sights from this safari, so in the mean time please take a look at my new gallery "Africa" here.

Africa Gallery

Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari 2011


Kyle Marquardt in collaboration with Civilized Adventures would like to invite you to join

“Kenya & Tanzania Photography Safari”

Feb. 25 - Mar 13, 2011

Join us on an exclusive journey venturing from the Masai Mara in Kenya through the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania all during the dramatic wildebeest migration. The Ngorongoro crater is filled with some 30,000 wild mammals, the opportunities are endless!

Kyle will ignite your inspiration and passion to get the greatest photos you possibly can. Regular critiques and one-on-one time to get the most out of your photography ensuring every day your photos and technique will improve. Everyone is guaranteed a window seat out on safari, never miss a thing and avoid the crowds.

Space is limited, download the full itinerary here, and check out the official page at Civilized Adventures.

Please contact Civilized Adventures or Kyle Marquardt for more details.

Deceptively cool

The Drake passage was was generous to us this time. With a tail wind and following seas we ended up with a 15% speed increase for nearly two days, and even made a stop to watch the Humpback whales. This is what allowed us our bonus day in Antarctica. Deception island, the place most guides don't like to go, because we always go there, however it hasn¹t lost it¹s touch on me. Part of the reason why is summed up in a lovely passage in the Lonely Planet guide for Antarctica:

"Because deception island is one of the most popular visitor sites, it¹s thought-provoking to learn that volcanologists consider it ³a restless caldera with considerable volcanic risk".

A sudden collapse of Deception¹s caldera could cause a major eruption, ³with potentially devastating effects on anyone on the island at the time² with escape from the land ³unlikely². The probability of the caldera collapsing, however is ³very low² and would probably be preceded by earthquakes for several days or weeks prior to an eruption. ³However, any eruptions can take place with relatively little immediate warning.² The plan also offers this helpful suggestion: ³if ships are present within Port Foster when an eruption occurs, they should depart the island immediately, ideally after uplifting all people ashore.² ideally indeed.²

We enter Neptune's bellows (which I have to pronounce "NEPTUUUUUNES BELLOWWWWWWWWWS" for dramatic effect) to get inside the caldera of this toilet bowl shaped island, which is a tight squeeze for the ship.

We wandered around the black volcanic sand, and got to watch the sky turn orange since this is a rare late night excursion. I took a walk up to Neptune's window (just underneath neptune's nipple) and on the beach we discovered these really fascinating colonizing organisms throbbing on the shore that to me looked like some kind of egg casings. Turns out they were salps, filter feeding organisms that I certainly have to do more research on. They looked clearer than any crystal I've seen with a bright red nucleus, and twitched slowly.

The sun sat but the twilight stayed, this being the day after the summer solstice it never gets completely dark. The ship beckoned, glowing with warmth as christmas draws near.

I leap onto the ship with glee because that night was the time to decorate the clipper bar with christmas cheer. The Tree stood bare, begging to be decorated, mulled wine, gingerbread cookies and a warm fire (a dvd of a fire place) greeted us. I had prepared the DVD and and loads of christmas music months in advance in anticipation of this. I didn¹t last long, I have a full day of Antarctica ahead of me, sleep is welcome.

The Day in Onomatopoeia

Half Moon Island & Barrientos Island Anchor: gahgun dadun dadun dadun.. clonk

Zodiac: Bvvvvvvvvvvvv

People: Wheeeeeeeee! tromp tromp

Gentoo Penguins: gaaaaa-hee! gaaaaa-hee! gaaaaa-hee! Gaaaaaaaaaaa...

Skua: Eeraaaa raaa raaa eeraaa!

People: click click click beep oooooh!

Chinstrap Penguin: Chachacheeecharararara

Weddell Seal: Weeeeeeeeoombooooomp..boomp...boomp click booomp

Wind: Whooooooooooshshahahahashoomshoom

Elephant Seal: Braaaaaaaap. ppbt..pbbt...burp...pfffffft argh argh argh ppbpbt!

Leopard Seal: ......

People: tromp tromp, splish eeee!

Zodiac: Bvvvvvvvv-splash-vvvvvv

Humpback Whale: Pffffwah....pffwah...shloomp

People: shooka shooka shooka woow!

Hot chocolate: shlurp shlurp Mmmmmmmm

Ship life is dementedly awesome

We made it outside Elephant Island, the wind and weather too rough to domuch but sail past. We bobbed into Point Wild and peered at the beach Shackleton and his men survived on from afar, it=B9s almost entirely receded. We enjoyed dinner that day with the dramatic ice covered cliffs serving as = a great backdrop during dinner.

Being aboard the Clipper Adventurer (or any ship) is unusual, at times it feels like an odd little country in it=B9s own, floating among the world, functioning perfectly in it=B9s quirky little way.

After spinning around Brown Bluff an=

d the Argentinian Esperanza station amidst 40 knot winds, we found a place to land near Esperanza. We dropped people off for 15 minutes to revel in their landing then made it back to the ship before the weather stranded us on shore. From my zodiac I watched Adelie penguins tottering across the beach, the white rings around their eyes making them look as surprised as they were when we made like Normandy and invaded their beach.

I thought it was a great landing considering the circumstances, and I was very enthusiastic about the Adelie penguins and the beautiful icebergs looming outside Hope Bay. I would talk about the cool things we saw but nobody really cared, they were all in raptures over touching that rock, it=B9= s about the experience right? Well, thank goodness they=B9ve had a good time.

We=B9re heading to Half Moon and Barrientos island, they are usually quite easy to land in, so I=B9m sure we=B9ll have a good day tomorrow.

Ever at sea

With the exception of an afternoon in the Orcadas, we=B9ve been at sea for 5days, it feels like 2.

I was surprised it=B9s been this long, it=B9s just a blur of meals, bird sightings and ice flowing by. Thank goodness this is such a comfortable ship, normally cabin fever would be spreading faster than H1N1, but the numerous public areas, inspiring lecture staff and calm company has kept it well at bay. Last night we were half way from the Orcadas to Elephant Island, and this morning that situation didn=B9t change. We ended up getting into 10/10ths ice and had to head north to get out of the ice, It was clogged. We were barely moving at 1 knot and the entire night the ship was echoing with the sounds of ice scraping and bumping against the hull, the ship jerking and twitching many times a minute.

For some reason I couldn=B9t get to sleep, so I decided to do a time-lapse of the ship moving in the ice. I head up to top deck, set up my tripod that wa= s secured to the deck with a quick grip I got from home depot, and a shower cap from the hotel around the camera to protect if from the elements. It wa= s cold and foggy, but it=B9s twilight at 1 am, while we are not far south enoug= h for complete daylight, we never have complete darkness this time of year. The time-lapse is interesting as it really hit home how the sea ice was throbbing and ever moving, but down at our normal scale it looks almost stationary. I meander around the bridge, stare at the radar cluttered with ice, peer at the GPS and navigational charts sadly and head up to collect my camera afte= r leaving it alone for half an hour.

I decide to scout the ship for more suitable shots, when I come across the bar where *ahem* individuals with less to do find other ways to occupy such large expanses of sea time. I was lucky enough to arrive in time to witness someone casually throw up on their leg as I casually make a note of what pants they were wearing, prepared to make sure they don=B9t wear the same one= s the next day. It=B9s not like it was rough, the sea ice dampens the swell and waves.=20 With all the bumping and scraping I find that suddenly half the ship is awake, wandering around like zombie bananas with their yellow quark parkas, leaning over the railings and staring down at ice and bumping around the bridge, It feels like morning but it=B9s still the middle of the night. I decide to pack it in fully expecting Elephant Island to still be a hundred nautical miles away in the morning. And it was, we barely moved but later in the morning we could see a break i= n the ice, I abandoned my oatmeal with cinnamon, yoghurt, cashews, and dates with my egg white omelette and gathered on the outer decks with everyone in anticipation of finally breaking free! We now expect to see Elephant Island later tonight, and will steam as fast as we can to hopefully get a =B3continental=B2 landing in Antarctica before we have to end this trip.


So refreshed! I have tried 6 times to get to the Orcadas (South Orkney Islands) and this this is only the second time I¹ve made it. It was a short visit, but at least this was the first time in almost a year since I¹ve seen anything that resembles Antarctica. Our approach is extraordinary, strange reflections of light amongst the fog and snow portrays the illusion of land when a tabular iceberg over 3 kilometres long looms into view. Everyone on the bridge scrambled to various navigational equipment and charts in disbelief, thinking for a moment ³where are we?² as we weren¹t due to see land yet. We had to change course numerous times to dodge these monoliths that have likely sailed up from from the Weddell sea. Lunch time felt lively once again as the dining room windows were filled with the silent jagged figures of icebergs floating by, much more exciting than the open sea we¹ve had for the last day and a half. The Orcadas faded into view, barley visible in the slurry of rain and snow. But it felt like the Antarctic, everything was covered in snow and ice, and even small islands had glaciers pouring off them. It might have been considered a cold and gloomy day, but it was zesty and immediately made me feel better than I¹ve felt in months! Adelie penguins porpoised in the water and we hopped in our zodiacs and zipped to shore with glee! the South Orkneys (or Orcadas if you go by the Argentinian name) seem to have the same weather all the time, people who dislike the cold find this place to be depressing and hostile, but getting out here was exactly what I needed. Geology, Seismology and meteorological studies are big here, and definitely not boring as a tidal waves have been experienced here situated on the edge of the Scotia plate. This station was established by the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition in 1904 and has been continually maintained by the Argentines ever since, making it the oldest station in the Antarctic. It was a short visit but it looked like most people were ready to head out.

Now I think we are being particularly ambitious. Our short stop in the Orcadas is because we are now on our way towards Elephant Island, meaning another full day at sea. I¹ve managed to see this place with my own eyes twice out of countless expeditions, but now there is even talk of landing. When will that luck run out? Landing where Shackleton¹s men spent four months, surviving on penguins and seals, even though the place has changed beyond recognition having happened nearly 100 years ago, would be very cool.

The night was full of celebrations as we marvelled in experiencing the antarctic and finally had a break from being at sea so much. There are two lounges on the ship, but the smaller one has more of a community atmosphere and was packed. I¹m always amazed by the drinking going on here, to watch people deal with hangovers multiple time a week, some every day, I don¹t see how it¹s worth it. I suppose I¹m lucky that alcohol has little effect on my brain¹s pleasure centre, otherwise I can¹t help but think my liver would be pickled by now. We went down to the crew bar in the depths of the ship, to give a go at karaoke. I sang great balls of fire, and greased lightning, and sadly being the only sober person there was the only staff member who had the courage to participate. That surprised me a little, you¹d think there would be some immediate benefits to drinking, why can¹t people come out of their shell and have fun? The rest of the crew was enthusiastically going for it, it¹s a big part of their culture in the Philippines. It was fun, but being the only participant among the staff team it wasn¹t the most interactive experience I¹ve had.

I was going to write some kind of conclusion but now I see yummy snacks in the lounge, Oooooo! Dumplings and yummy rolls, with plum sauce, one of the staff is going to make an announcement about how great the icebergs are to clear out the lounge, then we will descend upon the buffet, hehehehe...

The greatest place

Gold Harbour! This is the place that is present in my mind every time I say how great South Georgia is, it¹s the embodiment of all that is great about this place! The wide harbour surrounds us on either side, like the island is greeting us with it¹s greatest gift: A curving beach filled with King penguins, sprinkled with elephant seals, some fully grown, many still weening, gracefully lined with tusset grass falling to a backdrop of rising mountains crested with hanging glaciers framing the entire scene. The geological and natural forces were particularly inspired in the formation of this place, everything comes together in the most epic finale on our last visit in South Georgia.

Even a blind man will find this extraordinary world is populated with a cacophony of sounds: Male elephant seals sparring and burping, King penguins throw their heads back calling in ecstasy, baby Kings tweet and freak out flapping their flippers madly spinning in circles accompanied with a background of rolling waves gently washing the shores with the occasional rumble of the hanging glaciers above us. Stimulating tactile sensations abound! Soft grey sand is warm under my feet, weeners snuggle up and explore our human figures with their snouts, and small gusts of wind patter me with penguin feathers. I close my eyes, and I can feel a great pulse of life in this place.

Most people would consider the olfactory experience here to be offensive, but now these smells are associated with the most profound experiences I¹ve ever had. Much like a horse rider will whiff a jacket and exclaim with joy ³it smells like barn!², I do the same with my penguin parka.

But it¹s not over yet!

The plan is to head over to cooper bay, the place we always put on the itinerary and never manage to get to. It¹s positioned in the worst place and always ends up getting too much swell. You¹ll look down at the gangway and see it¹s 10 feet above the water, and a millisecond later it¹s 10 feet under the water. This time it was calm, I¹ve been here 6 times before and never managed to get this far, I¹m feeling lucky! Cooper bay is both desirable and difficult to get to simply because it¹s hosted by Macaroni penguins. They are extremely abundant but they love to colonize in the most inconvenient places for tourist operations, climbing and nesting on rocks and mountain slopes. Having to make those traverses every day to feed in the ocean, combined with their unusual feathery crest they seem pretty retarded. I¹d love to fast forward in time to see if they even survive, if they don¹t I might just think that they deserved it. However that will likely not be true, apparently they are one of the most abundant penguin worldwide, contrary to their difficult life and shorter lifespan, they are likely here to stay.

We scooted around craggy shores while the Macaronis stared down at us from their rocky perches and at least managed to check them off the wildlife list, then back to the ship it was to our last stop in Drygalski fjord.

It was extremely windy but we at least saw a glacier calve in the rain while drinking hot toddies on the bow. This is our last look at South Georgia before we head for the South Orkney islands. I¹ve only been there once before, I hope we make it again, we¹ve been lucky so far.


his morning we had an awesome time in Godshul. I love how things change sosuddenly. When we were leaving the ship it was cold and windy, not so unusual. Passengers freeze on the way to the landing site, but moments afte= r landing, the clouds part, the sun shines and suddenly it is hot. The air wa= s completely still and the tusset grass seems to contain all the heat, it fel= t like 20 degrees.=20

We had to make our way through the tusset grass, big mounds of tufty grass, that create a landscape that was likely inspiration for Dr. Suess, each mound lush enough you could easily hide thousands of people amongst an entire field of them. The entire place was also riddled with fur seals, so as staff we had to be vigilant and spread ourselves across the path so travelers don=B9t get lost or surprised by a seal hidden in the paths between the tusset. After the last few people walked past me, I thought I would jus= t sit, watch and film the Elephant seals in front of me. I heard them burp, fart and wallow in a big steaming pile in front of me, occasionally glancin= g at me with their big black eyes. Hadleigh and I chatted about them and random things, and eventually in the hot sun, I fell asleep. I can=B9t help but feel a connection with the Elephant seals given we were both sharing th= e warmth and soft tusset grass.

Grytviken was particularly interesting this time around. We did the usual thing, we gave a toast to =B3The Boss=B2 at Shackleton=B9s grave, and I headed down to the whaling station to take a look around the site. I was somewhat sad to see a lot more things missing. In an effort to make the area more tourist friendly, most of the buildings there have been removed and barrier= s and railings have been erected around some of the interesting machinery. Th= e last two years I was there, none of those changes were there, it was messie= r and I could walk in and among some of the coolest places. I realize now I have photos of the place that nobody else can get any more, the place is quite different from what it used to be. I will have to look through my old library and see what shots are particularly unique.

The whole town front is littered with little baby Elephant seals we call =B3weeners=B2 as they are getting weened off mother=B9s milk, also quite appropriate to say given their wiener like shape. I ended up hanging with them at the landing site for hours, watching them sneeze and slumber, some snuggling up in curiosity. It was incredibly curious watching them from so close, these animals can hold their breath fo= r up to two hours, important because they are deep sea divers, living submarines. So if you can hold your breath for two hours, why bother breathing? I would watch their nostrils open and close, and then close for at least 10 minutes at a time, it was so funny to watch all these little baby seals hold their breath on the beach, eyes closed and fast asleep. You could still tell they were alive, they would occasionally itch themselves, but it appears that their heartbeat would cause them to constantly jiggle now matter how still they are, really cute!

Another thing happened that really excited me, an enormous swarm of krill came into the bay! Krill is one of the most important things in the Antarctic. Without them, there would be very little mammalian life down here, almost everything depends on them for food. If you were to take all the Krill in Antarctica and weigh it, the combined mass of the Krill would be far greater than any other species on earth, even humans...for now. But even in their greatness, this is the first time I=B9ve been able to see s= o many of them! I simply had to photograph them, scooping a cocktail glass into the water I got at least 20 of them, all squirting around the glass curiously. I set th= e glass on the table and used my bed blanket to make a blue background behind the glass. It=B9s not easy shooting them with a macro lens when they have as much freedom as my lime does in a gin and tonic. But I got some interesting ones so I can at least show people what these look like, half the size of m= y pinky at their biggest. I was madly shooting this while also participating in a barbecue at the back deck of the ship. It was a bit surreal to be photographing such an important animal accompanied by calypso music while going to town on a hamburger outside of a Whaling station in view of =B3the boss=B9s=B2 grave, -Shackleton does another roll. Soon it was time to leave port and it=B9s completely dark outside, but watching the ship leave the port the water was no longer blue, but pink and lumpy, being comprised of 90% krill and 10% water, we all hung over the railings in awe as the port faded away from us, a shame it was too dark to photograph.

Fortuna Bay

I¹m standing in my cabin and am sniffing the air. I smell something sour and sweet with a hint of ammonia, the offending odor emanating from my outdoor gear evokes many memories of lying down in the dirtiest guano covered ground, a small price to pay for the best perspective. That¹s what I was doing yesterday, and hopefully it was worth it. The plan was to head to Fortuna Bay to complete the last portion of Shackleton¹s epic trek across South Georgia into Stromness Station. Of course nothing ever goes to plan here, and the conditions were not ideal for 100 people to go on this hike, some whom may not be in the prime of their lives. I¹m thinking if it was all people who are young and healthy who genuinely knew what they were getting and what they were made of, we would be capable of doing this. But there was very little visibility and high winds, we just can¹t take that chance.

So the hike was cancelled, we still never got to see a massive penguin colony, and the King colony in Fortuna Bay awaits us, a sheltered and nearly sure fire landing every time.

Our landing here is beautiful. The beach is lined by a tussety grassy slope rising up the side of the mountain, making our only way across to the King Colony a thin strip of beach, dotted with Fur Seals like land mines. Tactfully traversing the field we made it to a sprawling expanse of glacier moraine dotted with the squawking figures of King penguins. Great gusts of wind would blast snow, penguin feathers and dust into our faces with an extra strong whiff of King Penguin.

I find as good vantage point as I can get and lay on the ground to shoot across from the penguins. I find myself being guided by my camera across the colony looking for special moments and interesting angles, I¹ve only got a short time so I have to make the most of it. Sometimes I set up my backup camera to continually shoot images in order to create a timelapse video, and leave it alone for 20 minutes with a shower cap I got at the hotel to protect the camera body from the elements. It was windy, overcast, and slightly snowy, but as I headed back the sun began to shine and for moments as the shore moved away from us, I glimpsed snowflakes lit by the golden rays, glowing against the shaded background. It¹s fleeting moments like these I always remember, and never capture, they are mine to keep forever. The storm disappeared, heralding at least two days of sunshine and warmth on our far away island...

Howling Salisbury Plain

Today I¹m quickly scrambling to get geared up as fast as I can, as I¹ve got to be ready for Salisbury Plain! Over 60,000 breeding pairs of king penguins are here making this a genuinely extraordinary place. The last few times I¹ve been here wallowing in the Penguin guano have never failed to disappoint. The weather looks good but we will have to wait until the ship gets closer to tell for sure. As we began to approach I look at the wind meter with despondence as it gusts from 25 knots to 40. Well past the acceptable operating limits, a a gale like this with the right combinations can begin to flip zodiacs and flatten passengers. Out on the open ocean is calm air, but cool Katabatic winds pouring down the glaciers of South Georgia flow like river rapids towards us at the shore. We wait for a while, hoping for changing conditions, but experience tells us we will be waiting for too long. Our expedition leader gets on the P.A., eloquently naming the streaks of wind across the water ³cat¹s paws² conjuring up images of raring and hissing winds ripping up goretex, as people run screaming and bleeding from the rabid winds, of course it¹s not like that but it¹s entertaining at least.

So we¹ve picked up anchor, sailed past Albatross Island and headed towards out next destination, Fortuna Bay, and Stromness Station.

South Georgia

You¹re confronted by a wall of fog and a pulsing kelp entangled sea underneath. Looking at the map and know that a harsh world lies full of life somewhere beyond the fog. You stop to listen and hear a distant moaning, it¹s not the wind. South Georgia always appears in this ominous way, it¹s like the island has been expecting us. Fur seals appear out of the mist, perched on their rocks, some growl and scrap, others just howl, while elephant seals burp and sneeze on the beach. The beach of Right Whale Bay is saturated with the basking bodies of the seals and waddling figures of the king penguins. I brought two tripods to shore, one for my camera and one to fend off fur seals. I¹m sure if anyone has ever seen a photo of one, they would say ³aweeeeee² but everyone who has been lucky enough to share company with one would think otherwise. They are extremely territorial and even the most wary traveler will be chased more than a few times in a short visit. People wandered among penguins, ran from seals and cooed at all the pups, all against the backdrop of sub Antarctic mountains touching the cool overcast sky. Right at the landing site we were lucky enough to witness something new; giant petrels, heads painted red with blood were plunging into wounds pecked open in a freshly dead elephant seal. Tail feathers were fanned out in defensive postures as they squabbled and torn at every but and piece they could get. I managed to get some great footage today and look forward to putting something together.

I hear it¹s been somewhat cool up to -22?C back home, here the coldest it¹s been so far is 0?C, we¹ve had some good weather so far and it¹s highly unlikely it will get much cooler, I still think it¹s one of the best ways to spend winter... or summer, it depends on how you look at it.